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10 Essential WordPress Plugins For Every Blog

WordPress is the most famous, accessible, and most used platform among bloggers and content writers.

Since the last few updates, it is acceptable to write and use.

There are multiple free and paid plugins available that make WordPress so unique and compelling.

These plugins are primarily created by developers that cover most of the standard work by a just single click. They vary according to the use of SEO, Optimization, and speed.

Must-Have WordPress Plugins For Every Blog

Here are the essential WordPress plugins which you must use for the better performance of your WordPress site.

1. Formidable Forms

When it comes to a Contact form, I realized that Formidable Forms are coming up with a lot of advancement compared to others in the industry.

It is the tool that adds the ability to contact a user to the administrators of the WordPress site.

Formidable Forms are the most used and popular contact form solution for WordPress owners. It is certainly one of the essential WordPress plugins for any new site.

Main features in Formidable Forms:

  • It comes up with the drag-and-drop editor features, which lets you create the forms swiftly.
  • It also allows you to format and filter the data the submitted data with ease
  • It’s not just a contact form, it can let you create job board listings, offer a rating system, management systems, and even calendars as well. There are more. As said it’s the most advanced form builder out there.
  • Formidable forms can be integrated with every email marketing service there.
  • Woo Commerce integrations compatibility to create product Forms and more.

Moreover, with the help of Formidable forms, you can also create some complex mortgage calculators, car EMI calculators and even more.

Get Formidable for all your solutions now.

Worth Reading: WordPress Vs Blogger Comparison: What your Blog deserves and Why? 

2. Akismet: Antispam Plugin

Akismet is a protection plugin developed for WordPress users to prevent spam comments on their sites.

The Akismet plugin thoroughly checks your contact form submits & comments against to global database of spamming to stop your site from publishing malicious and hateful content.

The Akismet plugin puts these spam comments in the spam section and lets you review them or delete them permanently.

Main features of the Akismet plugin:

  • This plugin automatically reviews all comments and filters out the ones that seem like a spam comment.
  • In your WP dashboard, every comment of a commenter has a history, so you can easily see which comments were taken or cleared by Akismet. Which were considered spammed or unspammed by an admin/moderator?
  • It will also display the URLs of the commenters in the comment body to expose hidden or misleading links.
  • The Moderators and admin can see the number of approved comments of every user.
  • The discard feature Silently discards the worst and most pervasive spam, so you never see it.

3. W3Total Cache

W3TC plugin helps to boost the speed of the blog with single-click installation. It increases speed dramatically with performance optimization.

It also helps you in search engine ranking, by download time and eventually reduces page load time and

W3TC is one of the most accepted and loved plugins by WordPress users with over 1+ million installs.

Main Features Of W3TC Plugin

  • Lazy load of images. Images with the lazy load will be enabled for users on the viewpoint.
    Mobile devices cache.
  • Users Cache: User cache is excellent when you have user-specific or restricted content on your website.
  • SSL Cache.
  • Magnifying of static files like HTML, CSS, & Javascript. Reducing data size can improve the loading time of your site.
  • Combine coding files HTML, CSS, and Javascript to reduce load time.
  • Remove query strings.
  • AMP Supported. This plugin supports accelerated mobile pages.
  • Complete caching of WordPress posts, pages, tags, and archives.

4. WP-Optimize

The WP-Optimize is another excellent and useful plugin that every WordPress blog should consider to use it.

And that’s because this fantastic plugin helps you to clear all the database issues and optimize them automatically to boost your site performance.

Main Features Of WP-Optimize:

  • WP-Optimize helps you to Eliminate all the unnecessary data (e.g., trashed, unapproved, or spam comments, post revisions, stale data also pingbacks, trackbacks, and expired transient options of your WordPress database.
  • It also reduces the amount of fragmentation of your MySQL tables with a button press.
  • WP-Optimize plugin also shows the database statistics and potential savings.
  • much more.

5. Yoast WordPress SEO

Yoast is the plugin that I believe is a compulsory plugin for WordPress blogs. Because Yoast helps us to fully optimize our blog for SEO and also helps us to optimize our articles as well.

Yoast is the only solution for the complete on-page WordPress SEO.

With the Yoast plugin, you will be able to create sitemaps, and robot.txt files, add social profiles, titles meta tags settings, and much more.

Main Features Of Yoast SEO:

  • Writing killer content with Yoast SEO analysis and content analysis tool.
  • The snippet preview of your content shows you how your site will look in search engine results.
  • The Yoast SEO plugin comes with the most advanced XML Sitemaps functionality of your site.
  • This plugin helps you to make custom titles and descriptions for search results.
  • Yoast SEO Plugin also helps you to set accepted URLs to avoid the duplicate content issue. So you never have to worry about Google search engine penalties.
  • Moreover, Many More.

6. Jetpack by

This is an official plugin made by developers to keep WordPress secure, traffic increasing, and engage your readers.

It is an undoubtedly essential WordPress plugin for any WordPress site. The plugin comes with lots of powerful features are listed below.

Main Features of JetPack:

  • This plugin gives you total analytics and stats on your blog.
  • It also allows automatic sharing of your blog posts on social media sites.
  • Related Post widget.
  • It also helps your site security such as protection against Brute force attacks, Downtime, and uptime monitoring of your site. Moreover, Secured login attempts and a two-factor authentication system.
  • Email subscription box.
  • Comment system with Facebook, Twitter, and Google
  • Completely customizable contact forms for your site.
  • Many more

7. TinyMCE Advanced

TinyMCE Advanced, a visual editor for WordPress. Which helps you in writing.

It provided us with different options while writing a blog post like creating and editing tables, Inserting color and font size, inserting custom characters, and much more powerful content-creating features.

By default, WordPress comes with fewer features in the WordPress post editor.

However, this fantastic plugin adds every possible functionality to your WordPress post editor to fulfill your writing needs.

8. AdSense Integration WP QUADS

WP Quads is another useful and very essential WordPress plugin used to insert any kind of Google and local ads in the possible positions of your WordPress site.

With the help of this fantastic & powerful plugin. You can add any type of advertisement to your stunning site content left, right, center, up and down places of your WordPress site.

9. Imagify Image Optimizer

Imagify is a free WordPress plugin for optimizing your blog images for better speed and performance. This helps you to reduce the size of your blog images by losing the quality.

After activating this plugin, all of your images including thumbnails and retina pictures from the WP media library will be automatically optimized.

Whenever you add this plugin to your WordPress. Moreover, also your all existing images will be optimized with one click on the bulk image optimizer.

10. Social Warfare

It is imperative to add social share buttons on your WordPress site. Nowadays one of the significant SEO benefits is Social signals.

It means search engines count overall social media engagements, shares, and likes of a specific page of your site. Moreover, collect these as social signals of a page and recognize them as trusted content.

Additionally, rank them higher on possible positions. Therefore it is essential to have social media share buttons on your site.

With the help of this powerful plugin, you will be able to add beautiful social media buttons to your WordPress site.

Final Discussion On Essential WordPress Plugins

These tools are essential WordPress plugins that deserve to be installed for the better performance of any WordPress blog.

However, if you like my work, don’t forget to share it with your friends, family, and social media.

Jalil Mehar
Jalil Mehar

Jalil Mehar, is a Web-Developer, SEO Consultant, WordPress Expert And Founder Of Blogging Egg

Articles: 1


  1. Hi, i absolutely got tons of value from your post. Please i have 2 quick questions.
    1. What is the number of plugins every blogger shouldn’t exceed? I currently have about 18 installed, would you consider that number outrageous. Please could you also check out my site and offer me a
    2. Your font is really beautiful. would you suggest plugins that would give me beautiful fonts just like yours?

  2. Hey, Fantastic Collection.
    I would like to add one more WordPress plugin is a Blog Designer. This plugin helps you to modify your blog page with an amazing layout and helps to create your blog page amazing.

  3. A new one that we’re experimenting with at the office is the INK tool. Only been using it for a little while now …but this one tool has totally made my writing process so much more efficient.

  4. Hi Jallil,
    great list here.
    I agree with all 10 recommendation as they’re all essential plugins. And I’d also like to add one more, and that is content table plugin.
    Those not only help with UX but also boost SEO by giving your posts site-links and by keeping people engaged for longer, thus boosting dwell time.

  5. Hi Jalil,
    I downloaded the Akismet- Antispam Plugin. It is asking for some sort of premium subscription. How to get it free give me some tips.

  6. Hey Jalil,
    Good to be here!
    I totally agree with you on this post. I use most of the plugins you mentioned on the list. Yoast is most recommended for SEO. I plan on moving to the premium version anytime soon.

    For blog commenting, I add MycommentAuthors to Thrive themes’ paid comment. These two make engagement more engaging 😉

    Hope you are set for a beautiful week

  7. I’m using all plugins accept 8. AdSense integration WP Quads bcoz according to my experience auto ads is better than this plugin

  8. Hi Jalil,

    Winners here dude. Plug ins make your life incredibly easier, especially if you are tech allergic like myself LOL. A few make all the difference in the world. Grab your necessities, keep the load time light and you will be good to go.


  9. Very Nice one jalil.

    Already have all the plugins installed except for the social warfare will just check it out.


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