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How to Create Backlinks to your Website: Safe Ways

You have started a website and what to know how to create backlinks to your website to rank your website?

Yes, you should go for it, as backlinks are one of the top-ranking factors. Although, there are many ways which do the job efficiently. But, not all are worthy.

You might be wondering then what are the safest ways to build links to your website.

According to a recent survey, the usage of the internet has reached a peak across the globe. From education to entertainment, online platforms are considered to be the best thing to utilize in every aspect in recent days.

Generally, when it comes to rolling over the sites, we could find a lot of contents are getting ready to offer information.

If you are the one who is getting motivated over the business online through websites and personal blogs, then you are very much aware of adding the keywords.

One should keep in mind that it’s not that only content will bring you traffic. Even good content needs some boost to be get ranked and for the traffic flow. And this is where backlinks and some other factor fall in place.

This is the thing where every individual person who involved in websites for business knows about it and follows according to it.

To utilize it in a better way, most people are progressing over the dominant SEO tool to make it even better. However, some of the SEO experts are starting to claim that the keywords are considered to be outdated.

Here are a few quick ways to create backlinks quickly in an ethical way, and staying away from any search engine penalty.

How to Create Backlinks to Your Website with Ease and Safely

At this stage, the experts are going towards high-quality Backlinks for their websites to get better rankings.

It’s no wonder contextual links from authoritative websites work great to rank your website. It takes time, money, and effort.

But if you are a beginner but want to create backlinks quickly, then this could be the right place for you to use it.

1. Forums and Blog comments

It is the best platform where you can utilize to answer the post on the respective topic or get a chance to suggest the answer from your side in case the post doesn’t cover the topic completely.

Check out Expert Blogger Ryan Biddulph, who Talks about Blog Commenting

If you get to see the other reader who queried the post, you can also comment on that by sharing your answer.

In this condition, you can utilize to share the summarized answer and the end with a proper link to the article.

Here are some High PR Forums where you can start writing answers for the questions and drive traffic putting the relevant links.

Pro Tip: Don’t just keep on add your link to all the answers or put a signature at the end of it. Because you will be chucked out from the forums and as such forums have some strict rules against spam. Do it wisely, where it is required, providing the actual value to the question.

2. Testimonials

This thing considered to be the common thing where most of the companies try to show the testimonials which are received from clients.

Usually, most of the sites have their testimonial page. Make sure to check out which are the sites not have a testimonial page.

If not then spend some time over providing a positive review and your experience of using the product.

You can see that most of the sites have a feedback feature or inclusion of an email account for testimonials on the contact page.

Now, you don’t want to ask further for the link. Once you are proven as a real person, then every single time they include without asking for a link. Check out some great examples of testimonial pages you would like to have an idea.

3. Social Media Links

It will mainly play a crucial role in terms of creating backlinks. This is useful for people who share the content from your site and view themselves.

It is essential to keep it in mind that the profiles must be included with a link back to the site. Make sure to update the content regularly.

Read Best Social Media Platforms to skyrocket your website with lots of traffic.

4. Fixing Broken Links

There will be chances of domain shut down if the links are failed miserably. However, with the usage of tools like Broken link finder, it will help to scan the page and find the bad connections.

Then you can proceed over connecting with the webmaster and query whether your site is overcome with broken links.

5. Link to others

One can follow by placing the links in the content to the other relevant web pages. For instance, those who monitor Google Analytics can get a chance to see the traffic that is being routed to the pages.

Thus the tools can show the links from your site. Also, you can easy to find how many people have added the link to your site as considered as a trusted source.

6. Guest posts

When it comes to writing the guest posts on the blogs related to a respective niche will help to build quality links to your website most ethically.

This could be the best way for you to follow in terms of writing the guest post for the respective website and also getting a link. There are plenty of websites that can help you out in publishing your article on their platform.

You can easily find these kinds of sites while doing a Google search. Okay! let me help you out with a few of the queries.

your keyword + inurl:write-for-us
your keyword + guest-article
your keyword + guest-posts
your keyword + guest post by
your keyword + submit an article
your keyword + inurl:guest-post-guidelines
your keyword + become a contributor
your keyword + contribute
your keyword + become an author

Such queries will certainly land you on a few best blogs, where you can submit your thoughts with ease. As you are choosing the website, so it would be best relevant to your niche and authoritative.

7. Info-graphics

It is said to be one of the best techniques to use in terms of offering the movement of your website which leads to increased backlinks.

Generally, most people are looking for visual information, this is the reason that infographics have expanded widely. And suggest some websites where you can create your infographics for free.

8. Spy on competitive websites

You need to spy on rival sites all the time and know their following procedures are compulsory.

All you need to keep on the rivals through web-based networking media and then make sure to search for the third-party acquiring as well as referencing strategies.

9. Contribute / Donate

This is the way where you can obtain backlinks by providing to charitable associations. This kind of strategy will stand out in a better way.

All you need to explore the sites in your field that leads to acknowledging the gifts as well as connecting back to the locales which have given.

It is essential for you to present the respective measure of the gift you want to make and create the site URL.

10. Site Aggregation

You could witness that some of the sites are mainly set up to aggregate website content which is very helpful in terms of creating backlinks.

Did You, if you don’t know what am I talking about, then let me give you examples of a few of the popular and best content aggregator sites.

  • BizSugar and more

Thus the aggregate sites will help to collect the information from other sites across the internet and lead to locating the best content in the respective categories.

Conclusion: Now you know how to create backlinks.

These are some of the exciting strategies where you can follow when it comes to knowing the query on how to create backlinks to your website for free in a professional way.

If quality links are available, then it will help to boost the traffic and create awareness about the website.

So, what are your tips on creating backlinks to your website safely?

Navin Rao
Navin Rao

Navin Rao always like to explore new things. His Blog QuestionCage covers the topics like WordPress Tricks, Google, Social Media, Blogging and SEO Tips which simplifies the whole blogging process. He loves to tweak things with WordPress and boost the loading speed of the website. know more About him


  1. No matter what niche you’re in, backlinks play a key role in your blogging success. The point is building links is getting harder year after year.

    I still prefer guest blogging and blog commenting for link building purposes. But I make sure to invest time to craft quality comments and guest posts. That’s a win/win approach.

    Also, reaching out to other bloggers to link to your content works great if you constantly publish high-quality stuff. Great tips Navin!

  2. Backlinks is much important when we say about ranking. And your covered every single topic into your post. Helpful content from your side. Thanks for that.

  3. Thanks for sharing this information. Pls how many backlinks can I build in a day to avoid high spam score

    • There is no such number of creating backlinks as far you are consistent with it daily, weekly or monthly. All you need to make sure is, it should be natural in the search engines eyes.

  4. Thanks for such a great review. I am just learning SEO. Therefore, I pay close attention to this material. I found your blog very useful, so I’ll add it to my favorites!

    • You should check both, DA and DR too. DA metric is from Moz and DR is from Ahrefs, both the organization has some calculations to analyze the blog.

      But, if you are Guest Posting make sure the blog is very relevant and getting some decent traffic. It could be crucial for your blog SEO.

    • Well, not so. Rather, it’s important to optimize the video well with proper tags. Decent description and Catchy headlines and thumbnails.

  5. Hi Navin

    This is a great post for beginners.

    Will start implementing all of these, one by one.

    I hope it will help me to boost my domain authority

    Amit Garg

  6. Hi Navin,
    great guide you’ve written. I think modern link building is all about link diversity. So good link profile is one that has all kind of links, forums,QNA sites, blog comments, guest posts, niche edits.

    I’d also like to contribute by adding my entry- Interview links.
    These are wonderful because you’re just telling your story and conveniently linking to your site when it makes sense.
    Natural, white-hat and powerful, what more can a link builder ask for?

  7. Hello Navin,

    Thank you for the detailed post on backlinking. Being a beginner in blogging, it was very useful to learn these legit ways to generate backlinks.

    • Hi Guru,

      welcome to the blog. And I am glad this helped. I always feel and it’s wise to create backlinks to your website slowly, instead of rushing into it to avoid bad things to happen.

  8. Hi Navin, This is a very good ideas to create back links to your website. Testimonials are only valid when you are the voice in your niche. am I right ? Guest posting is a very nice idea, I would like to use this method for generating some quality links.
    keep it up and also keep in touch.

  9. Hey Navin,

    That’s a neat list. I like how linking to others is included in the list. It is one of the most natural ways to help each others and also to maintain link flow in the blogosphere.

    As to content syndication sites, I own – a syndication site for bloggers. And I love that method of building links 🙂


  10. Thanks for the tips, using social media to get backlinks is the most needed nowadays as more and more users use facebook. But i follow the old style of leaving comments and being part of a forum

    • I agree social signals really work well for getting into better rankings for sure. There are scenarios when such signals are being enough for rankings without any backlinks at all, of course for the lower competitive keywords only 🙂

  11. Great post on backlinks. Linking relevant posts is a very important in creating traffic. Thanks for sharing Navin!

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