Most Expensive Domain Names: You Won’t Believe it

Before looking at the most expensive domain names let see what is a domain. The domain name is the identity of a website, and everyone wants to have a different identity.

The Name which is registered under DNS (Domain Name System), can be called as a domain name.

And from a long time, it’s quite common to buying and selling domain names to make money. It’s not new at all, and if you have something to sell, there is always a buyer.

It is as simple as that purchase domain name in cheaper prices and sell domain name at a higher price to the needy and make your profit.

Here are some of the 30 Most Expensive Domain Names ever sold in the history as on date..

30 Most Expensive Domain Names

Here are some domain sold on very higher prices,

Domain Names Sold YearSold for $
360.com2015$17 million
AltaVista.com1998$3.3 million
AsSeenOnTv.com2000$5.1 million
Beer.com2004$7 million
Business.com1999$7.5 million
Casino.com2003$5.5 million
Clothes.com2008$4.9 million
Diamond.com2006$7.5 million
Fb.com2010$8.5 million
Fund.com2008£9.99 million
GiftCard.com2012$4 million
Hotels.com2001$11 million
iCloud.com2011$6 million
IG.com2013$4.6 million
Insure.com2009$16 million
Internet.com2009$18 million
Israel.com2008$5.88 million
Marijuana.com2011$4.20 million
Medicare.com2014$4.8 million
Mi.com2014$3.6 million
Porn.com2007$9.5 million
PrivateJet.com2012$30.18 million
Sex.com2014$14 million
Slots.com2010$5.5 million
Toys.com2009$5.1 million
Vodka.com2006$3.0 million
Whisky.com2013$3.1 million
Yp.com2008$3.8 million

How Simple Domain Business is?

It’s really quite easy to create a website, but choosing a domain name, not at all. One has to think a lot, keep in mind several aspects before buying a domain name.

Thinking of being a domainer? As we have seen above the domain names sold at higher prices, it’s quite common to get started doing it.

But it is not a piece of cake, it needs experience and skills, research and lots of luck. Picking a correct domain to sell that in future is not that simple as we might think of.

Things to know before being a domainer

The market study needs to be done. And we should always go with some simple, short and trendy words.

Everyone would like to have the keyword in the domain. Thinking in the same perspective But yes not impossible.

You can make some money for sure, and if you are lucky enough also could be added to the list as well. haha… Though anything can happen.

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Man Behind the Blog - Navin Rao

Blogger | WordPress Savvy

Navin Author
A WordPress Savvy, Content Strategist and creator of this blog. At QuestionCage we talk about Technology, SEO, WordPress to make your blogging venture much successful and eventually let the passive money to flow in.

Along with QC, I maintain my personal blog as well, where I share my experiences and tips only on WordPress.

4 thoughts on “Most Expensive Domain Names: You Won’t Believe it”

  1. Wow!

    That’s an interesting list. It made me curious to learn domain flipping.

    I have few good domain names in mind. Can you please write a post about domain flipping by explaining How to sell a domain name?

    I think your audience would love to read about it.

    BTW the list is super cool.

    Thanks for sharing.


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