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Why Do You Need Small Business Search Engine Marketing?

We now live in an era where you can grow your business globally from the comfort of your home. It’s never been this easy to evolve like now. The internet has made an even ground between all companies. Mainly, we have all the same tools. It’s what we do with them that’ll differentiate who succeeds and who fails.

Everyone knows of social media. It is the best place to advertise and get a crowd to buy your product or services. However, now the ground is switching. There is a substantial amount of data that shows that search engine marketing will be the way to go. There are a few factors for that. Click here to read more.

The main one is that people are already searching for it, and they are ready to buy. Let’s say that you are selling tents, for example. A person sitting at home searches on Google to buy a tent, and your page appears first with a product ready for them. It’s a win-win situation. They get what they want, and you have a customer. However, it’s not always that simple.

Optimize first and then focus on marketing

As we all know, any successful business has to make use of the buyer’s journey. Essentially, all of your customers can be put into a funnel. Some are at the top, and they are only getting to know what you have to offer. You also aren’t sure whether they are going to buy a product. Most of the time, they are only looking for information.

As you go lower and lower into the funnel, the visitor is shaped into a buyer. Through subtle suggestions, they are more likely to buy your product. Well, the search engine marketing should be mostly focused on people at the lowest stages of the funnel. It will give them the nudge they need to click on the link and enter their credit card details.

However, you will never get to those customers if you don’t have a solid foundation. And a solid foundation is built by optimizing your page for traffic and for the search engines. It’s a free spot on Google’s page results, and you should try your hardest to climb up to the first page. Only five percent of people ever click on the second page.

That means, the higher up you are, the more likely you could make your visitors into buyers. Since it takes a lot of work, most businesses ignore it. This is where you can shine and claim their spot in the rankings. As soon as you do that, you can start off a campaign that will utilize a bit of finance from your side and turn them into profits.

What are the steps for a great SEM strategy?

The first step is to figure out which keywords are mostly used regarding your niche. There are a ton of free keyword tools online that show you statistics about it. You just need to be creative and figure out what’s going on in the mind of your potential buyer. As soon as you do this, you have the basis of your campaign figured out.

You should pick the right keywords and bid on them. As well as that, you need to identify negative keywords. These don’t necessarily involve a negative connotation. They are utterly irrelevant in your campaign. They won’t produce any conversions. To make it more transparent, we’ll include a simple example.

Let’s take the one from above. You’re selling tents. Logically, you won’t include a keyword such as “build your own tent” because that means the people want to do it themselves. You won’t have a lot of success since that won’t be the market for a complete product.

You should be focusing strongly on intent. Phrases that have the words buy, discount, coupons, or free shipping are likely to work. This shows that people are already at the last stage, and they only need a good deal, and they have a strong intent to buy something.

How can you do this all by yourself?

If you plan on doing this all by yourself, it will take a lot of time. In the online world, time equals money. So, you can opt to hire an agency that specializes in search engine optimization. They have dedicated teams to help you achieve your goals, and you won’t have to spend a ton of time reading small business SEO tips.

Agencies stay on top of their game since Google changes their rules all of the time. Something that worked a month ago might not be working today. Staying on top of trends is quite challenging to do while you have a business to run. In the end, you decide the strategy, so pick what’s best for you.

Navin Rao
Navin Rao

Navin Rao always like to explore new things. His Blog QuestionCage covers the topics like WordPress Tricks, Google, Social Media, Blogging and SEO Tips which simplifies the whole blogging process. He loves to tweak things with WordPress and boost the loading speed of the website. know more About him

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