20 Blog Post Ideas for Writers: 2020 Edition

Today, blog posting has become one of the most sought-after activities. It is used for different purposes.

People of different ages, genders, beliefs, and nationalities try blog posting to achieve definite goals.

Some people post for their own pleasure. They want to express their thoughts, share impressions and cover something meaningful.

Simultaneously, they help other people because they conduct in-depth research and disclose relevant issues.

Other people make posts for commerce purposes.

They write for different websites to promote them and attract more visitors. At any rate, you can earn money even when you make useful posts that you like.

However, it’s utterly important to choose relevant topics. If you cover something worthless or boring, nobody will be interested in what you offer.

This guide will provide 20 great blog post ideas. We have divided our ideas into categories.

Lessons Learned
  • If only I knew…
  • My biggest lesson learned.
  • A person who influenced me the most.
  • A situation that taught me a lot.
  • The best advice I ever received.

Tips and Ideas
  • X effective tips to clean the house quickly.
  • Prompts to complete assignments faster.
  • Tips to schedule the working day effectively.
  • How to earn without leaving your home.
  • The best ways to organize yourself.
My Favorites
  • My favorite hobby.
  • My favorite movie.
  • The most favorite things I like to do.
  • My best friend.
  • My favorite trip.
Health LifeStyle
  • The safest products.
  • The most effective exercises.
  • Healthy diets.
  • How to stay away from different diseases.
  • How to strengthen the immune system.
  • How to enhance productivity at the enterprise.
  • X greatest business ideas.
  • How to plan the business campaign properly.
  • How to invest to avoid the pitfalls.
  • Tips to start a business and succeed.

Effective Prompts to Make Great Blog Posts

Make Great Blog Posts
Write Great Blog Posts

After you choose the direction, you should figure out how to choose the right topics for your posts to meet success and recognition. A group of advanced writers offers several steps that are effective and useful. These are as follows:

Chose a subject and create variations.

If you have some preferences but don’t know how to specify them, create some variants of them and see how far would it take you.

For example, if you want to write about a healthy lifestyle you should concretize the topic. Decide what exactly you want to write about – exercises, nutrition, healthy habits, diets, and something of the kind.

1. Use a Topic Generator

To receive a better understanding of what is currently popular use topic generators, such as Hubspot’s Blog Ideas Generator and other ones.

It’s really easy to manage such generators.

Simply print a few keywords and see what variants will be offered by the application.

These may be “healthy”, “lifestyle”, “health”, “good habits”, “exercises”, etc.

2. Ask the right questions.

At times, it’s good to go back to basics. Put different logical questions to your topics.

These may be as follows,

Questions Could be
  • How do you create ideas?
  • Are they progressive and relevant?
  • The main questions put by your followers?
  • What are the main peculiarities of your business?
  • and similar ones.

Answer to know whether you follow the right path.

3. Stick to trends

It is beyond doubt that you should follow current trends. Cover really popular themes to attract more followers or clients.

Stick With Trends

You may use such smart applications as BuzzSumo. It helps to identify the most popular topics of your sphere.

Simply write a “healthy lifestyle” and it will provide you with the most sought-after requests of online users.

Afterward, write posts devoted to those issues and provide your followers with the necessary content.

4. Know your Competitors

It is always a good idea to spy your competitors.

In fact, you should consider other bloggers or companies who work in the same direction. Read their posts too.

Know Your Competitors

Thus, you’ll define what topics they cover and whether they are successful.

Read comments and pay attention to the number of “likes” to understand that.

However, don’t you ever copy successful posts?

You have no right to plagiarize. Remember that your readers wait for something new and unique.

They’ll quickly figure out that you can only copy.

5. Ask Your Readers For Feedback

The opinion of your readers is of great importance.

If they are satisfied, you’ll receive the desired recognition and income.

Readers feedback

Therefore, ask them to leave impartial comments concerning all your posts.

Thus, you’ll know what’s perfect and what things should be improved or fully replaced.

6. Start a Poll

Many people like different kinds of polls. It’s necessary to put a question and give variants for answers.

These may be only “yes” and “no”. However, a poll may contain more answers.

Start a Poll

Thus, you can ask “What content you want to read?”

The variants may be “Nutrition”, “Pills”, “Exercise” and so on.

You’ll learn the opinions and preferences of the majority, which is important.

Final Words on Writing Good Blog Post Ideas for Writers

Use these prompts to figure out how to choose the most beneficial topics. You’ll definitely attract thousands of online users.

When they see that you cover meaningful themes that are interesting and relevant, they’ll like to read your blogs.

After you receive some fame and recognition, you can develop success.

Leave advertisements, ask your followers to share links about your blog, and so on. Of course, we also advise trying to widen the horizons.

Look for some other topics to cover more crucial aspects of human life.

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Man Behind the Blog - Navin Rao

Blogger | WordPress Savvy

Navin Author
A WordPress Savvy, Content Strategist and creator of this blog. At QuestionCage we talk about Technology, SEO, WordPress to make your blogging venture much successful and eventually let the passive money to flow in.

Along with QC, I maintain my personal blog NavinRao.com as well, where I share my experiences and tips only on WordPress.

1 thought on “20 Blog Post Ideas for Writers: 2020 Edition”

  1. I have been looking for fresh ideas to create content. I think I will get started with the “lessons learned” category since it is something unique that each person brings to the table. I think sincerity is the most important aspect of content.


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