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What Are Some Great Tips to Increase Instagram Engagement?

Instagram marketing plays quite a big role these days.

After all, the platform has almost 1 billion users, and it is definitely the most popular place for younger people.

This growth is quite unbelievable, but the most important part to take from it is the fact that you have to start marketing on Instagram as soon as possible.

Then again, most businesses are already on it, and they are doing their best to get as much presence as humanly possible.

One of the best indicators of a successful Instagram page is the engagement rate.

If you feel like you are struggling in this department, it probably means that you are not doing things right, or not putting in enough effort.

Tips to Increase Instagram Engagement

There are more than a few techniques to make a difference. If you do not have a lot of experience with Instagram just yet, this article will be of great use to you.

1. Instagram Stories

One of the recent features is Instagram stories. What may appear like nothing special actually holds significant meaning, especially when you get to using it and making the most out of what is available?

There are all types of Instagram Stories and what you can do. But the most important thing to note is that this type of content is only up for 24 hours.

This means that you can attract a lot of people via limited offers, like contests, behind-the-scenes footage, and so on.

It will take some time to test different things, but trial and error are unavoidable in this case.

See what works for your audience and make use of that to increase the engagement rate.

2. Schedule


One of the hardest things to do is coming up with enough content and being consistent.

If you have a schedule that you follow, the audience grows to have certain expectations.

Those that focus on posting something every day are bound to run out of ideas sooner or later.

Thus, you should try to be more realistic and not look to go beyond what you can deliver.

Failing to meet the expectations of your followers will decrease the engagement rate in no time.

3. Content Formats

While visuals are the key on Instagram, do not underestimate the importance of a good copy. The text in the post is also extremely important.

Introducing a little variety certainly helps when you want to make things nice and fresh.

Look at all the available video formats, post some inspirational quotes related to your niche, and so on.

The more unique your content, the better the engagement rate.

4. Organic Followers

Instagram organic followers

There are plenty of accounts that are not doing everything organically.

Buying followers, likes, comments, and so on.

Such an approach is a terrible idea. When people compare your number of followers to the actual engagement, they are bound to notice that something is not right.

You should focus on growing your channel naturally. There are more than enough different ways to accomplish that.

If you want a good-looking profile and are thinking ahead, do not take a shortcut but work hard towards the goal.

5. Organize Contests

Nothing is going to give you as much engagement as a contest or two. People are eager to participate if something is available for free.

And the best part is that they will jump at this opportunity for stuff they do not really need.

A lot of brands went viral by running a great giveaway campaign.

You should not limit yourself to just a single contest. Run them for a couple of weeks in a row.

The stuff you give away will pay off tenfold if you can manage to attract more followers.

6. Right Hashtags


Using the right hashtags is one of the most important things when you want to attract people.

If they find your content using a hashtag, it means that they were actively searching for it.

Chances of them liking or leaving a comment is pretty high in this case.

7. Influencers

You can make a lot of use of working together with influencers.

A simple shoutout from these guys could go a long way to increase your number of followers and the engagement rate.

And finding an influencer or two should not be a problem. They are always open to working with new accounts.

In summary, if you have been struggling with your Instagram account recently, things should turn for the better if you start applying these tips.

It takes time to really grow a decent channel, but all that effort is not going to go to waste if you are serious about making more use of all the benefits that Instagram marketing offers.

Navin Rao
Navin Rao

Navin Rao always like to explore new things. His Blog QuestionCage covers the topics like WordPress Tricks, Google, Social Media, Blogging and SEO Tips which simplifies the whole blogging process. He loves to tweak things with WordPress and boost the loading speed of the website. know more About him

Articles: 198


  1. Hi Navin,

    A really interesting article on Instagram Engagement. I definitely learnt a thing or two from this article and am going to implement it on my Instagram account.

    Thanks for sharing! 🙂

    Rishav Kumar

  2. Hey Navin Rao ,

    Great post with effective tips to increase an Instagram engagement. I really like your post and the tips that you have suggested, whereas your all the listed tips are effective for users to increase Instagram engagement.

    Instagram is one of a great social platform to increase the users engagement, whereas many users are using this social platform for sharing videos, high quality photos to gain popularity. It is absolutely true that coming-up with enough content and being consistent is one of a difficult thing to do and the engagement rate will suddenly goes down if we fails to meet the followers expectations. Organizing the contests and using the correct hashtags will helps a lot, As people are always eager to participate in contests that is available for free, whereas organizing the contest also increases their
    curiosity.Right hashtags really means a lot and using right hashtags is one of an effective way to attract readers and people. Working with influencers will helps a lot and is also a great way to increase an engagement rate.

    Your all the suggested tips are helpful and works well to increase Instagram engagement but i truly like an idea of working with influencers, using right hashtags, Instagram stories and organizing contests. As this post will help many users, people and readers to increase their Instagram engagement.

    Rally helpful post and thanks for sharing.

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