How To Add Custom Robot.txt in Blogger For Better SEO

Well, we all agree on one thing, that Google is the biggest and largest Search Engine. There is no doubt at all in that. So now the question is how it actually happens.

Just by simply typing few words in the google search bar and it gives tons of results in order.

So what helps it, in searching tons of information from so many web pages.

A lot of things plays the key role for the same sitemap, keywords etc. A well-optimized web page with good keywords always stood up in the search engines. As it is easily crawled by the search engines.

Custom Robot.txt can be found in the Blogger Search Preferences that can help our blog being more SEO friendly.

Add Custom Robot.txt in Blogger For Better SEO

So here we are going to see one of it, sitemap. Let’s see how to generate a sitemap online for blogger so that we can provide the same information in the Custom Robot.txt for better SEO for Blogger Blog.

Thanks to Amit Agarwal (Owner of Labnol) who developed an online tool for getting Sitemap details and URL, where we can generate our blog custom robot.txt automatically just by entering our website URL.

Click here to generate your Sitemap. Once you have entered your blog URL, Click on the Generate Sitemap. See the below image for better insights.
Custom Robot

Custom Robot in Blogger

Step 1.Switch to blogger – SettingsSearch Preferences – Scroll down to the Crawlers and IndexingCustom Robot.txt and paste the sitemap data which copied earlier.

Step 2.
Click on Save Changes Button.
Custom Robot.txt

Now this will automatically extract the new data or new posts, keywords from your sitemap and would help the search engine to find out your pages efficiently.

So there are no manual updations at all, just by following few steps and blogger will take care of the rest and will be updating the search engines about your blog pages.

Following the above steps will definitely help our pages to be crawled and indexed in the search engines.

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Man Behind the Blog - Navin Rao

Blogger | WordPress Savvy

Navin Author
A WordPress Savvy, Content Strategist and creator of this blog. At QuestionCage we talk about Technology, SEO, WordPress to make your blogging venture much successful and eventually let the passive money to flow in.

Along with QC, I maintain my personal blog as well, where I share my experiences and tips only on WordPress.

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