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Interview With Nikola Roza: Making Money From Freelancing and Affiliate Marketing

Have you made money online?

If not, you are missing out on something!

There are several ways to make money online. We talk to all the legit ones and those that make us money

To put some more light into it, we brought Nikola Roza into our interview Series this time.

I am pretty sure if you are not making anyone right now, you will be after going through this interview.

Nikola Roza is well known for his Freelance Content writing, apart from that his blog makes him a good income through Affiliate Marketing.

Let’s explore and know, how he does that, and what is other online money-making strategy he uses.

Learnings from this Blogging Interview?

  • How to Become Financially Free Doing Freelancing and make $2000 a month
  • Explore more ways to make money online
  • Find Opportunities Even in Harder Situations
  • Make Friends and Skyrocket your Blogging Career
  • How to Promote Your Blog Posts better for more visibility
  • Key Aspects of Affiliate Marketing

Hi Nikola, great to have you on QuestionCage. I am sure our readers will learn a lot from your Online Presence and money-making strategies.

1. Please tell a few words about yourself and Your Online Journey.

Before I start, I just want to thank you, Navin, for accepting me and my 2c on your awesome Question Cage.

I know and see clearly who my friends are and those people can expect great things from me, going forward.

Let’s all grow together!

Now, allow me to introduce myself properly…

Personal Touch

Hi folks! My name is Nikola Roza and I blog at I’m from Serbia, a small country in Europe.

I started my blogging journey unsuccessfully in 2015 when my mother fell terminally ill and shortly died, I had no way of helping her avoid that fate, and later had no way of supporting myself as I never had any “normal” job in Serbia.

Serbia is a poor country, we were always pretty poor as a family and I fell into debt after my mother passed away because I borrowed money left and right in a bid to save her life.

Failure and Learnings

I failed then but also decided that there was no good life for me in Serbia and that it was time for a big change.

The names of that change were blogging, SEO, and freelance writing.

And I finally took a plunge and became a full-time freelance writer in 4.12. 2017. It was a big and scary decision for me but it was the right one.

After a long stint of non-stop cold email outreach, I landed my first client, and that client was blown away by the quality of my writing (his words, not mine) he recommended me everywhere and I got more and more work.

I’ve been full-time ever since and loving the journey, though recently I’ve started to transition to affiliate marketing. That is my next big goal.

2. What makes you unique from the other Bloggers?

Money doesn’t inspire me at all. I see money as the means to an end and that end for me is achieving everything else I want in life.

So, I blog to earn money so I can achieve far greater things in life.

I think that makes me somewhat unique because so many bloggers are fascinated and impressed by numbers and they don’t realize that you only need enough money to get everything else you need and that after that point chasing more money makes you delusional.

If, for example, having 1 million dollars per annum is enough for all your needs and dreams, then having 10 million makes no functional difference.

But even though it makes no difference, you will still have to spend a tonne of time and energy chasing those millions that you don’t even need.

I’m very clear on that and I think that many bloggers make the mistake of wanting more money and don’t realize they really wouldn’t be able to spend it if they had it.

So they pursue blogging for the wrong reasons.

That different way of thinking is what makes me unique, but I’m sure I’m not the only one who thinks like that.

3. How does Nikola Make most of the Money Online?

Currently, through freelance writing, I average about $2000 per month without killing myself with work.

I’m also getting to the point of making affiliate marketing my number #1 source of income.

Namely, my review of Wealthy Affiliate, which is the product I promote and have promoted for the last two years now, has finally been pushed onto the first page for literally everything.

So I have around 200 keywords from the Wealthy Affiliate keyword cluster that all sit comfortably on positions 8-12 in Google.

I’m getting more than 1000 impressions per day from it. But barely any clicks.

And the reason is that only the first five results get clicks.

But I’m almost there and now it’s only a matter of patience before I rank, especially since the first three sites are black hat spammers who Google’s bound to demote eventually.

Anyway, once that page ranks, I expect a minimum of $1000 monthly from it.

4. How an Online Career Changed Your Life?

It gave me financial freedom and security. And it gave me a chance to control my life and destiny and do what I love for a living.

I’m living a great life now and it wouldn’t be possible without the internet.
So I’m grateful for it.

5. Freelancing has Enough scope, What do you think?

Yes, that’s true. If you have a skill and it’s something that interests other people too, or they need it somehow in their lives, then you can freelance and monetize it.

So, when we say “freelancing” the first thing that comes to mind is writing, at least to me but there’s a market for everything.

Whoever you are and whatever you know how to do well, I encourage you to look into freelancing.

You will almost definitely find someone who’ll pay you.

6. Freelance Vs SEO VS Affiliate. Where is more money and Why?

Freelancing comes at the bottom because you’re exchanging time for money that can’t scale.

Doing SEO for others is much more lucrative because you can scale that, especially if you have a team.

Then you can also have multiple clients…

Affiliate marketing has the largest potential but is slowest to get going. And to strike it rich you need to know what you’re doing and you need to have big traffic.

So we’re talking about years of work.

7. What are your biggest failures and what you have learned from them?

My biggest failure in SEO was that I tried to rank my site on authority alone. Meaning, that I created my Wealthy affiliate review, (the article I mentioned before) and I started to funnel authority to it aggressively.

It worked to a certain point, and then it stopped working, And I failed to realize that in time.

  • Google wanted to see if I was relevant to the query (by having more content about Wealthy Affiliate and affiliate marketing in general) and since I wasn’t, I couldn’t rank, no matter the links I got.
  • It took me a long time to realize that.
  • Had I worked on bulking up my site in parallel to building links, I would’ve been ranking by this point.
  • My biggest failure in business is that I haven’t learned about SEO sooner. The first time I heard the term was in 2015, and I don’t know how I managed to miss it by that point.

I say that because I’m a very techie guy. I’m in love with everything tech-related, and SEO seems like it was made especially for me.

I wish I had learned of it sooner, especially pre-2012, when it was so much easier to rank.

8. Five Tips you would like to share to be a Better Freelancer?

  • Get up early and start your day by producing (writing), not consuming (reading emails)
  • Do the client work first. They pay you and they must have priority.
  • Don’t accept unlimited revisions- Some people like to torture their writers. These are best avoided.
  • Don’t set insanely low rates. And don’t accept such work. If you get an offer to write 1000 words for $5- it’s time to leave. One must have self-respect.
  • Look beyond freelancing. It’s great to freelance and it’s a path to financial freedom. But it’s also the first step.

Have some ambition and gut and find a way to turn your freelancing into a system that works on its’ own and generates passive income.

For example, a freelance writer with very good rates could hire a few writers with cheaper rates and then have them write for him while he gets paid and splits the money with his writers.

So he becomes a manager and a true business owner.

9. Six Strategies You Follow to Make Money from Affiliate Marketing?

  • Every blog post must promote something. It’s a waste of space on my affiliate site if a blog post doesn’t promote an affiliate offer.
  • I don’t use banners. I think they’re a waste of space and attention on small websites. When I do start using them it will be to promote my e-book or course.
  • I focus on my site and SEO for it. I don’t use forums Quora or outside platforms to try and make sales. I think it’s not worth the time and energy. Even if I could outsource it for cheap, I still wouldn’t do it.
  • I target long-tail keywords with byer intent. Those convert the best and I can rank reasonably fast.
  • I skew my site’s architecture to send authority to my money pages.

I talked a bit about this in my article about sitemaps on your site, but basically, I set up my site so that a disproportionate amount of Pagerank flows to my money pages, instead of informational content. This helps me rank higher and faster.

  • I’m deliberate with my keyword targeting for money keywords.

What I mean is, I look for blogs in my niche that are similar to mine. Then I run them through SEMRush to see if they rank for some money terms.

If they do, great. I see what those pages are and if they fit with my blog’s theme.

If they do, I create a better article and aim to replace that blog with my own.

It’s a strategy that works well for me, though it’s not a silver bullet.

A lot of hard work.

10. How Do You Promote Your Blog Posts?

I do several different things.

First, I always link to influencers from my blog posts. Then after the post is published, I email them to tell them they got a link.

This helped me establish a connection with several high-profile bloggers. Including you Navin. I still remember you invited me to be a guest on your awesome site and I jumped on the opportunity.

The result was this post on using HTML sitemaps for SEO.

Second, I schedule my posts in Missinglettr so that the tool promotes them for me.

Third, I build links to my posts. And since I target long-tail keywords, it usually takes one link to rank for those.

Sometimes it’s even possible to rank with no backlinks, just with keyword-rich internal linking.

11. Do You Read Books? If YES, recommend a few good ones.

Yeah, I read a lot. I think reading is essential for growth as it fills your mind with ideas.

Here are some of my favorites:

  • “The Count of Monte Cristo” by Alexander Dumas,
  • “Jane Eyre” by Charlotte Bronte
  • “Wuthering Heights” by Emily Bronte
  • “A Christmas Carol” by Charles Dickens
  • “Personal Development for Smart People” by Steve Pavlina

As for the business book, my favorite is “Think and Grow Rich” by Napoleon Hill.

12. Please, share some of your Social Media Strategies

As a one-man team, I have a lot on my plate as it is and I can’t allow social media to interfere with my content creation and link building.

It’s because I think that creating helpful content and building good links Google likes are the two best and biggest levers I can pull right now to grow my business.

And that is not true just for me but for anybody.

And what about social media marketing?

Well, I like to think like this:

“If I spend more than 15m per day on social media- I’m wasting time.

And if I spend less than 15 minutes per day- I’m wasting free traffic.

So, I use Missinglettr, which is a smart social automation tool that handles everything for me, and I simply approve or deny and recreate campaigns.

The rest of my time is spent promoting my friends and sharing their blog posts. I like that it is a nice and easy way for me to genuinely help other bloggers succeed with their blogs.

We’re all in this together and we should stick together.

Because as Napoleon Hill said:

“It is true that you can succeed best and quickest by helping others to succeed”. ~Napoleon Hill

“It is true that you can succeed best and quickest by helping others to succeed”.

13. What are Your Future Plans to Make Passive Money?

In the future, I will focus more on earning money directly instead of being an affiliate for merchants.

What I mean is, I will create a paid product, a simple ebook that will revolve around affiliate marketing and freelancing, and I will charge money for it.

Similar to what Anil Agarwal does with his keyword research e-book. And I will promote my e-book via banners and in-text links on my site.

And in fact, my writing schedule has changed to reflect the topic of my products. As of now I only write articles that naturally tie into my future product.

I will get it done by the end of the year.

Thank you, Navin, for having me on your site. I will be here to respond to comments as they come through.

Thanks again and stay safe everyone!

Navin Rao
Navin Rao

Navin Rao always like to explore new things. His Blog QuestionCage covers the topics like WordPress Tricks, Google, Social Media, Blogging and SEO Tips which simplifies the whole blogging process. He loves to tweak things with WordPress and boost the loading speed of the website. know more About him

Articles: 198


  1. That is inspiration for me. Also, I am now reading the Think and Grow Rich Book. It change the way of thinking. Thanks for sharing this post.

  2. That’s a great initiative to share some amazing journey of experts. Personally I love to read such interviews as they have some solid dose of practical information. Waiting for more such amazing interviews on your blog.

  3. I always like the champion like Nikola,
    Really appreciate his journey about he grew himself from Serbia.

    Also, I like the strategies he shared for ranking, not using forums, etc.
    Really good

  4. Hi Amit,
    I like your enthusiasm. Try Missinglettr, and when you do, come back here and let us know your results.
    I bet you’ll be blown away!

  5. Hey Navin And Nikola ,
    Good to see you together. Freelancing gives a steady Revenue source and we can invest some of that to scale our affiliate sales. I have been following this pattern for sometime.
    You guys are awesome . Thanks for being there 😊

    • Excellent Chayan,
      I’ve been on your blog numerous times. You’re on the right path. Just keep going and you will go really far.
      Thanks for your comment buddy!

  6. Hello Navin,

    Glad to see Nikola’s interview on your blog. I know him personally for the past few years. I really admire his writing and SEO skills. Recently he has written many good and quality guest posts on my blog. He knows very well how to reap the benefit of SEO and content marketing. He also a great and helping Guy. Thanks for sharing this awesome interview.

    Vishwajeet Kumar

  7. Hi Navin

    Amazing Interview post with some great learnings.

    I liked Social Media Strategies the most, will gonna try Missinglettr for sure.

    Thanks, Navin and Nikola

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