How To Schedule A Post In Blogger and Drive Potential Traffic

BlogSpot is one of the largest blogging platforms along with WordPress. It has plenty of great features.

If you are new to blogger and want to create your own blog on then you can go through this step by step guide it will help you in that process, a Custom domain also can be created and attached to your blog.

Back to the topic for which you landed here, In this article, we are about to discuss one of the cool inbuilt option “Schedule a Post on Blogger” Sounds interesting..!!!

This is one of the good options which most of the professional blogger use often. Now the question is why do they use it and how it could be useful?

How To Schedule a Post in Blogger

For an instance, if you have written a blog post but you don’t want to post it at the same time because of several reasons like your targeted traffic country or may be something else.

And because of that, you have decided to post it on a particular date and time. So it is going to be very tedious to log in again to post it same thought date or time. At that time you are going to feel, I wish someone could do it for me. haha…!!

But fortunately, Blogger has provided a feature to post any of your articles automatically according to your readers (Country time which you are targeting), as for any blogger, the reader is everything.
I meant the Blogger itself will publish an article for you, a free service.. sounds great again? But that is true, all thanks to Blogspot. Let us see how to Schedule a Post in Blogger
1. Log into Blogger, and open your blog post which is written already and ready be published and scheduled.
2. Click on Schedule option, which will be at the right side of the blogger post template.
Schedule A Post on Blogger
3. A calendar format will open, now choose the desired date and time you want to schedule your blogger post.
4. Click on “Done,” to save your settings.
5. Now Click on “Publish” button.
Schedule A Post In Blogger
After publishing, it will take back to your blogger dashboard, there you would be able to see one more new option got added “Scheduled” in between draft and published.
And you would be also able to see the post status and the time it will be posted on your blog.
How To Schedule A Post In Blogger
Impressive right?

Final Words on Scheduling Post in Blogger Blog

Who doesn’t want to schedule their blog post in blogger like a boss? It is a calculative decision when you want the post to go live. And obviously, those calculations can be done with the help of tools.

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Man Behind the Blog - Navin Rao

Blogger | WordPress Savvy

Navin Author
A WordPress Savvy, Content Strategist and creator of this blog. At QuestionCage we talk about Technology, SEO, WordPress to make your blogging venture much successful and eventually let the passive money to flow in.

Along with QC, I maintain my personal blog as well, where I share my experiences and tips only on WordPress.

1 thought on “How To Schedule A Post In Blogger and Drive Potential Traffic”

  1. Thanks for sharing this types of article. I read your all most article. your all article is good. keep up it bro


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